10 Great Ways to Cook Bacon

Josh the Multimathist
2 min readApr 23, 2021

So the thought of this came to mind. I can’t pinpoint a reason for it, but it wasn’t because I had bacon lately. Now without further ado, here’s today’s compilation of the top 10 great ways to cook bacon!

  1. Pan Fry! Have cast iron skillet will travel.

2. Baking in the oven, yum!

3. Using the magic future box, the microwave!

4. Got one of those fancy air fryers that were shown off by the celebrity chef with awesome hair?

5. Don’t have one of the above gadgets? Alton Brown has you covered with a waffle iron!

6. Did you find yourself outside? The grill works too!

7. Do you throw a bunch of meat in your smoker? Guess what? Bacon is meat!

8. Got one of those fancy Instant Pots that were the Tickle Me Elmo of the last decade? Use that!

9. You knew this one was going to be on the list eventually. Yes. The deep fryer!

10. Then for those of you with a bit less moister in your lives, bacon jerky from a food dehydrator!

Thank you for indulging in this silly post. Actually I hope you do indulge in some awesome bacon. I will say it was fun to scour the net and them make some cheesy one-liners. Hmm, cheesy, maybe that’s the next idea…we’ll see! Bonus game, count the exclamation marks!

Where to find me: linktr.ee/multimathist



Josh the Multimathist

Multimathist? Well polymath was too pretentious and, well, not accurate. Multithinker, also sounds too good for what I am. Therefore a nonsensical word works!